Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tragedy of the Commons

I think we should all read this just to be educated about potential pitfalls and to head them off early. I'm discovering that I may be more of a capitalist than I thought; perhaps a socialist capitalist? Is that possible? :) Anyway, I have a feeling that privately owned land and resources, operated under some sort of communal code of bartering might work better than simply having things in common. They might be used in common, but would still be owned privately in order that things are maintained and well-cared for. What do you guys think? Is the Tragedy of the Commons legitimate? Or a bunch of capitalist hogwash? There are examples for both sides.

1 comment:

ChrisnDave said...

I picked up an interesting book from the library called Back from the Land: How Young Americans Went to Nature in the 1970s, and Why They Came Back. I haven't gotten very far but I'll post the more interesting points of it. I'm not sure yet how I think this will best operate... we'll definitely have to flush out a lot of the details and I think a lot will depend on who is in the commune.