Friday, December 5, 2008


This info may be helpful as we decide where to settle down for the commune/co-op/homestead!

The Most Liberal States: These are states that require no notice of intent to homeschool. Parents do not even have to let anyone know what they are doing. Most require you to homeschool for 180 days. These states are New Jersey, Connecticut, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Alaska, and Idaho.

Semi-Liberal States: These states require parents to notify them if they are going to homeschool their children. Other than that they really don't have any rules and regulations. The states in this category are Delaware, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Nebraska, New Mexico, Kansas, Arizona, Utah, California, Nevada, Wyoming, and Montana.

Slightly Strict States: These states require parents to do much more than give notification of intent to homeschool. Parents must keep track of all the students tests and submit them. They must also submit to evaluations of their child's progress. These states are New Hampshire, Maine, Oregon, Washington, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Hawaii, Ohio, Tennessee, Louisiana, Arizona, Maryland, District of Columbia, Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Colorado.

Very Strict States: These states have the most requirements for homeschooling. Parents must comply. They need to give notification, get their curriculum approved, submit to testing or home evaluations, and some even require parents to have teaching degrees. The states that fall in to this category are: Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and North Dakota.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Environmental Center

So that Enviro Center that my mom, Rio and I went hiking around in Greensboro was super cool and I was thinking that on our commune we could run a little Enviro Center like this one and it could be a source of income for us and education for our neighbors. My mom said she'd be the Enviro Center Director and just hang out at it all day every day and take kids on nature walks and stuff. Take a minute to browse through the website - its super cool. The building is all recycled, they have special classes for homeschool kids, Friday night canoe trips for singles, etc!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Yurt with a View

We were out and about today and saw this cool yurt with an amazing view. So, of course, we had to stop and get a picture for you guys. Unfortunately you can't see much detail about the yurt or appreciate the great view from the photo. But regardless, we were thinking of you and figured you'd enjoy the shot:)

They had a big garden out front too.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tragedy of the Commons

I think we should all read this just to be educated about potential pitfalls and to head them off early. I'm discovering that I may be more of a capitalist than I thought; perhaps a socialist capitalist? Is that possible? :) Anyway, I have a feeling that privately owned land and resources, operated under some sort of communal code of bartering might work better than simply having things in common. They might be used in common, but would still be owned privately in order that things are maintained and well-cared for. What do you guys think? Is the Tragedy of the Commons legitimate? Or a bunch of capitalist hogwash? There are examples for both sides.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Encouraging Quote

"There is a great work for the Saints to do,” he said. “Progress, and improve upon and make beautiful everything around you. Cultivate the earth, and cultivate your minds. Build cities, adorn your habitations, make gardens, orchards, and vineyards, and render the earth so pleasant that when you look upon your labors you may do so with pleasure, and that angels may delight to come and visit your beautiful locations. In the mean time continually seek to adorn your minds with all the graces of the Spirit of Christ.” Brigham Young

Something to Consider

We need to make sure we research the homeschooling laws in any state we are considering establishing the commune. Some states are much more flexible and supportive than others.