Saturday, April 4, 2009

Commune Idea

So, I'm trying to think of how all of us commune mamas could make a little $$ on the commune...
How about I become a midwife and the rest could be doulas, and we could have a little midwife/doula practice? Or.... we could become yoga instructors with a studio on the commune property, or do guided hikes (I need/want to learn what all the flora/fauna/fowl of the area are!). Or we could have a raw/organic store where we sell the excess of what we grow, and also have big barrels full of raw wheat and seeds and dried fruits and pastas and nuts and everyone has to bring their own container/bag and pay by weight. We could sell little blankets or crocheted stuff you make, too. And we could let people come visit/experience the commune for a small fee.......

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'd be down with being a doula for sure; I was a "kid doula" for our friend Julie when she had her baby at the birthing center and that was pretty rad.
I also like the idea of letting the commune be something of a learning center so the good ideas we put into practice can spread. How about writing a book about our home schooling methods?